
BEP20 Token Distributor

Your wallet:

- Max recommended addresses per transaction is 150
- Paste the addresses and amounts
- Separate the items with a comma, as in the example
- Number of receivers and amounts should be equal

[Separate by comma(,)]
[Separate by comma(,)]

Developed by Kazifier

ID TxHash Status Receivers Tokens Amount


Designed by Kazifier.

BEP20 Token Creation Website - Kazifier

Please Donate:

  1. BTC:- bc1q5t0a4sr588rctlq8myht0r67e58ue3dznevdta
  2. ETH:- 0x4215a881dfa38fa2faced28778c9366ef3e5fbb6
  3. BNB:- 0x51bea59514E4a3D9f7A1A52D98bcf460749572Dc
  4. Tron:- TXQtyn1aSYaywraPg3SNZQNdA9i31ozAFo